By integrating your EDI workflow with the AutoPower EDI Module you streamline how information flows throughout your organization. The benefits can be tremendous, including:
Increased Productivity:
Automated transactions save significant time by eliminating manual effort for both processing transactions and researching errors.
Decreased Expenses:
Automation also reduces the risks for charge-back, errors caused by manual processes and even paper costs.
Reduced Cycle Time:
Sending and receiving EDI data happens in seconds and can be acted on immediately, resulting in reduced cycle times for both you and your trading partners.
Improved Supply Chain Visibility & Control:
With EDI, product sales data, product inventory status, demand forecasts and other metrics can be shared with suppliers and their suppliers – allowing for better inventory management and supports just-in-time delivery.
Enhanced Security:
Established communication protocols addressing encryption and other security issues that enable critical business or personal data to be exchanged with higher levels of security.